Thursday, March 5, 2015

World of Tanks Generals Overview - Part 2: Garage

So, here we have the 'Garage'/Main page of the game. This is where you choose the decks that you're gonna take into battle with you. The decks are built on top of your HQ, and the HQs accumulate their own XP (The green numbers right above the Battle button) with which you can unlock new cards within that HQs tech tree (I'll give a look into that later). Each deck is given their own rating based what cards are in the deck, that is signified by the number next to the fist.

Your decks are your tanks... get it?

The top bar of the screen from left to right, credit amount, free xp and tokens(gold). Credits can be used to purchase cards (a look later), free xp can be used in conjunction with HQ XP to unlock cards for purchase and tokens are for buying premium time, more credits, and premium cards and HQ. Essentially, just like WoT :-P.

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